Anmäl dig vid din privata mejladress eftersom programmet startar efter din examen. Efter anmälan får du tillgång till förberedande digitala kurser som vi rekommenderar att du genomför innan kursstart.
By registering, we will collect and use information you submit here as necessary to fulfil your requests of participation in the
STEP® Programme.
We will use your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy:
Your information will be transferred to countries outside of your country of residence, including the United States, which may provide for different data protection rules than in your country.
Johnson & Johnson MedTech Vision, a part of Johnson & Johnson AB, is processing any personal data for the purpose of handling the business relationship between Johnson & Johnson MedTech Vision and you. Personal data may be transferred to other Johnson & Johnson companies outside of our country of residence, including the United States. By completing this form, you consent to Johnson & Johnson MedTech Vision, a part of Johnson & Johnson AB, or company working on their behalf to collect and use your personal information (name, membership number) for the purposes of recording your attendance at the program and assigning your CET points, in accordance with applicable Data Protection laws. The information will be shared with your optical association (Svenska Optikerförbundet). Further, you consent that yout attendance (ie the information provided) will be shared with your company headquarter. Appropriate measures are in place to protect personal information when it is transferred to our affiliates outside your country. Further information about our practices concerning the processing of personal information, including your rights can be found at If you would like to review, correct, update, or delete the personal information that you have provided, please contact